Inter-library loan (ILL)
If you could not find the materials that you need in our library, our ILL service will borrow them for you from other libraries.
A guide to the contents of a file, document, or a group of documents. For example, there are indexes in the back of books that describe and point to the contents of that book. There are also very large indexes that describe the contents of journals and give you enough information to locate an article in a journal. Indexes are usually arranged by subject, author, or keyword. They can come in both paper and electronic form.
Source: University of Regina Library
The ISBN is a publisher product number that has been used in the book supply chain since 1968. Each published book that is a separate product gets its own ISBN. This means that a hardback version and a paperback version of the same book will have different ISBNs because they are different products with different qualities like size, weight, and price. Library records contain the ISBN where available, but many books in libraries were published before the ISBN became a standard. Although it may seem that each library record should have only one ISBN, library records will often carry the ISBN for both the hardback and the paperback editions so that libraries do not have to add a separate record into their database for each of them. Also, some multivolume works have ISBNs on each volume, and a single library record may represent all of the volumes with all of the ISBNs.
Source: Semantic Web Standards
In-text citation
Brief mention of an author or source, within the body of a paper, to credit their quotes or ideas.
Institutional Repository
An archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.
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